San toro i Funza

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ColombiaSan toro



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Funza, Cundinamarca, Colombia
kontakter telefon: +57 601 9221068
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Latitude: 4.7176677, Longitude: -74.2118741

kommentar 5

  • Ricardo Macías Quintero

    Ricardo Macías Quintero


  • Samuel Camilo Herrera Navarrete

    Samuel Camilo Herrera Navarrete


    Variety in the daily menu, à la carte dishes and drinks. The flavors are different and pleasant to the palate.

  • Jen Zul

    Jen Zul


    Today we went to eat and ordered a super toro burger, a 600 gram house specialty, and two juices, one of mango in water and a cherry. It took them 5 minutes to order and 4 minutes to serve us as soon as we arrived. 20 minutes to bring the juices and half an hour the hamburger they swear is artisanal, when they complain about the long waiting time they respond that because it is artisanal and thick they take a long time. When the hamburger arrives it is seen that the bread is NOT handmade, the cheese is little and the meat is thick and insipid because it is ground meat fried with cheese on top, the price of the hamburger is 27 thousand pesos, I do not recommend going, it is better to make them in home, if you are looking for something rich and different there are better options.

  • ericson duvan garcia espinosa

    ericson duvan garcia espinosa


    The place is very beautiful, the attention is good but the time of the meal is very slow 20 minutes for the juice and 35 minutes for a hamburger that is the "specialty" (super San everything of 600 gm) a hamburger without flavor and without accompaniments (they were only bread, lettuce and tomato in addition to the meat) and with potatoes that had fishy taste. The only good thing was the juice.

  • RedSkin Zr0

    RedSkin Zr0


    A la carte food with a rush flavor. I asked for an address, 3 dishes, 100 thousand pesos. A tough, dry churrasco, which I suspect would not be very fresh, without chimichurri; a semi insipid salmon and a catfish without much preparation. Terrible. Buy at Cassarola because the price / quality ratio is infinitely better.

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